What is RGBA color space?
RGBA stands for Red Green Blue Alpha. While it is sometimes described as a color space. It is actually simply a use of the RGB color model, with extra alpha channel information. The color is RGB, and may belong to any RGB color space, but an integral alpha value as invented by Catmull and Smith between 1971 and 1972 enables alpha compositing. The inventors named alpha after the Greek letter in the classic linear interpolation formula α A + (1 − α) B.
The alpha channel is normally used as an opacity channel. If a pixel has a value of 0% in its alpha channel, it is fully transparent (and, thus, invisible), whereas a value of 100% in the alpha channel gives a fully opaque pixel (traditional digital images). Values between 0% and 100% make it possible for pixels to show through a background like a glass, an effect not possible with simple binary (transparent or opaque) transparency. It allows easy image compositing. [Source: wikipedia]
RGBA colors:
- RGBA color values are supported in IE9+, Firefox 3+, Chrome, Safari, and in Opera 10+.
- RGBA color values are an extension of RGB color values with an alpha channel - which specifies the opacity of the object.
- The alpha parameter is a number between 0.0 that means it is fully transparent and 1.0 that is fully opaque.
Now try CSS RGBA Generator:
Select Color -
Opacity -
Created by Tech Zoop
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Step 1: Login to your blog and go to Pages menu and create a new page with a appropriate name.
Step 2: Now go to HTML section, now copy the below code and paste it in the HTML section.
Note: Please do not remove the credit link, otherwise the code will not work...
Step 3: Now Update/Publish the page and you will see the result.
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Nice article. It's very helpful to me. Thank you. Please check my rgba color generator.